I’m looking at the “PipeTest.v” file. There are a couple of verilog constructs here that I’m unfamiliar with and can’t seem to find in my book or on the net. If you could help explain these I would be very appreciative.
wire [1718-1:0] ok2x;
okWireOR # (.N(18)) wireOR (ok2, ok2x);
okWireOut ep20 (.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2x 017 +: 17 ]), .ep_addr(8’h20), .ep_datain({16{tick}}));
]What does the "[017 +: 17]" particularly the +: do in the statement “.ok2(ok2x 0*17 +: 17 ]”
*]In the part “.ep_datain({16{tick}})” the {} are confusing. It almost looks like a concatenation but with 2 sets of brackets.
*]And finally, in the okWireOr instantiation, does the # (.N(18)) just update the parameter in the okWireOr module?
Thanks very much for you help