I am using the transferring data example provided by Opal Kelly but when I put the Verilog code into Xilinx, I receive the following errors. I am not sure how to fix them. Please help.
// Circuit wires
wire fifowrite;
wire fiforead;
wire [15:0] datain;
wire [15:0] dataout;
wire reset;
wire [15:0] wireout;
//Circuit behavior
assign reset = wireout[0];
// Xilinx Core IP Generated FIFO
FIFO_16bit fifo(
// FrontPanel module instantiations
okWireIn wire10(
okPipeIn pipe80(
.ok2(ok2x[0*17 +: 17]),
okPipeOut pipeA0(
.ok2(ok2x[1*17 +: 17]),
ERROR:HDLCompiler:718 - “F:/transferringdata/transferringdata.v” Line 34: Port connections cannot be mixed ordered and named
ERROR:HDLCompiler:45 - “F:/transferringdata/transferringdata.v” Line 35: ok1 is not a function
ERROR:HDLCompiler:24 - “F:/transferringdata/transferringdata.v” Line 35: ok1 expects 0 arguments
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - “F:/transferringdata/transferringdata.v” Line 36: is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - “F:/transferringdata/transferringdata.v” Line 44: is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:598 - “F:/transferringdata/transferringdata.v” Line 3: Module ignored due to previous errors.
Thank you.