FlashLoader on XEM6010

Hi all,
I am using a XEM 6010 board and I would like to put my program (bit file) into the embeeded PROM.
I tried to use the flashloader program, but I am unable to find the bit file corresponding to the program that will load my program into the PROM.
I tried to install frontpanel for windows and linux (both) 4.0.6, 4.0.8 and 3.1.6.
It appears that in 3.1.6 two bit file were given (flashload-xem3005-1200.bit and flashload-xem5010.bit) but none for XEM6010, and in futures versions (4.0.6 and 4.0.8) no bit file were given at all.
Is it possible to have this bit file for XEM6010??
Thanks in advance,

Best regards

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