Cant get 6010 to initialize

I have been working with the XEM6001 for a while, working fine.

I switched to a xem6010-lx150, made a new bit file which seems to work when loaded with JTAG, of course I cant see if the OK-HOST or frontpanel works by this means.

When I plug the 6010 into the computer device manager shows its existance as a lx150 front panel device.

But when I tried running my own code, or the samples provided, it fails to initialize. and asks me if there is a board plugged in.

Any suggestions?

Does the board enumerate in FrontPanel?

Have you installed the most recent version of FrontPanel?

I had 4.03 installed.

But I realized now I was using the dll of the same version that is in the sample directory, which is from 2010, I replaced the dll in my both my own directory and the sample directory, with the one in the API directory, now it enumerates and runs properly