Trouble with XEM3001 usb driver on windows 7 machine

Hi all,
I recently migrated my XEM3001 board to a new PC that runs on windows 7. However, the PC doesn’t recognize my board. I downloaded both “setup-win-x64.exe” and “frontpanelUSB-DriverOnly-win-x4.0.4.exe”, ran it but my pc still doesn’t recognize it. Wondering if any has the same issue and if you could share if you do.

Thank you in advance.

For the sake of those looking through the forums for solutions to their problem, this was solved through the customer support route ([email protected]). Turns out the customer was still running the previous version of FrontPanel (3.0.11).

Note that newer versions of FrontPanel for our USB devices are installed in ProgramFiles/FrontPanelUSB, so the previous version is not overwritten. It should be uninstalled first to avoid confusion.

The newer version will update the driver correctly, though, so Windows itself should not be confused.