Timeout using WriteToPipe from python

Trying to do something similar to Transfer data example. The other end-points seem to work but the read and write to pipe are both timing out.

Using Python (3.8) API, and Frontpanel 5.2.2

Where should I start looking to find the problem? I’ve simulated it and that worked perfectly fine.

I’ve added a fifo:

   -- Fifo signals
    signal epPipeIn_fifo     : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal epPipeWrite_fifo  : std_logic;
    signal epPipeOut_fifo    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal epPipeRead_fifo   : std_logic;

    signal full_fifo         : std_logic;
    signal empty_fifo        : std_logic;

    signal reset             : std_logic;

component pipe_fifo_32_1024
  port (
    clk : in  std_logic;
    rst : in  std_logic;
    din : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    wr_en : in std_logic;
    rd_en : in std_logic;
    dout : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    full : out std_logic;
    empty : out std_logic
end component;

With the following end-points:

okWO : okWireOR     generic map (N=>2) port map (okEH=>okEH, okEHx=>okEHx);

ep00 : okWireIn     
port map (

ep10 : okWireIn
port map (

-- from SW input
epPipe_into_fifo : okPipeIn  
	port map (
	    okHE       => okHE, 
	    okEH       => okEHx( 1*65-1 downto 0*65 ), 
	    ep_addr    => x"81", 
	    ep_dataout => epPipeIn_fifo,  
	    ep_write   => epPipeWrite_fifo);

-- fifo
pipe_fifo_inst1 : pipe_fifo_32_1024
    port map (
        clk        => okClk,
        rst        => reset,
        din        => epPipeIn_fifo,
        wr_en      => epPipeWrite_fifo,
        rd_en      => epPipeRead_fifo,
        dout       => epPipeOut_fifo,
        full       => full_fifo,
        empty      => empty_fifo);
-- to Sw output
epPipe_out_of_fifo : okPipeOut 
	port map (
	    okHE      => okHE, 
	    okEH      => okEHx( 2*65-1 downto 1*65 ), 
	    ep_addr   => x"a1", 
	    ep_datain => epPipeOut_fifo, 
	    ep_read   => epPipeRead_fifo);

This is resolved now. I added a okHost component at the top of my architecture while that was already defined in the library.