I’m building an acquisition system that would need to transfer around 60MB/s, process and store them, with the timing requirement of transfer->process/rendering->store loop time to be on the order of 20-50ms.
It seems to me that the writing of data to disk would be the bottleneck. A separate solution would be to have a have the PC client only executing the transfer->process/rendering, where data is stored temporarily in a FIFO.
Meanwhile, the full acquired data stream would be written directly to a separate hard-drive (similar to this: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fncir.2015.00046/full). That system mentions using the onboard serial gigabit transceivers in implementing the SATA controller IP core. I’m wondering if a serial transceiver is required for a SATA controller? As the USB3.0 interface doesn’t seem to have that requirement?
Or perhaps it would be possible to implement another USB3 on the FPGA that writes directly to a separate drive?