PipeIn endian-ness

What byte order is used in transferring data from the Pipe Endpoint to the PC? Is it MSB first, LSB first, big endian, little endian? Anybody know?

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From the FrontPanel User’s Manual (when in doubt, read the documentation):

[QUOTE]Byte Order (USB)
Pipe data is transferred over the USB in 8-bit words but transferred to the FPGA in 16-bit words. Therefore, on the FPGA side (HDL), the Pipe interface has a 16-bit word width but on the PC side (API), the Pipe interface has an 8-bit word width.

When writing to Pipe Ins, the first byte written is transferred over the lower order bits of the data bus (7:0). The second byte written is transferred over the higher order bits of the data bus (15:8). Similarly, when reading from Pipe Outs, the lower order bits are the first byte read and the higher order bits are the second byte read.[/QUOTE]

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Thanks. I searched for endian, didn’t search for order.

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