okRegisterBridge : How to Assert regRead for Multiple Consecutive Cycles? (XEM7310)

I am using the Register Bridge on an Opal Kelly FPGA, and I have a question regarding the behavior of the regRead signal during waveform verification through Host Simulation HDL.


  • Currently, I am using the ReadRegisterSet task from the okHostCalls.vh file.
  • I have created custom register arrays to store the desired Address and DataIn values, which are used as
    shown in the attached code.


> 	reg [31:0] RegInData_MonData [0:(`num_neurons+`num_neurons*`len_synmap-1)];
> 	reg [31:0] RegAddresses_MonData [0:(`num_neurons+`num_neurons*`len_synmap-1)];
> 	reg [31:0] Size_RegMonData;
> 	initial begin
> 		for (i=0; i<(`num_neurons+`num_neurons*`len_synmap); i=i+1) begin
> 			RegInData_MonData[i] = 32'h0000_0000;
> 			RegAddresses_MonData[i] = 32'h0000_0000;
> 		end
> 		Size_RegMonData = `num_neurons+`num_neurons*`len_synmap;
> 	end
> 	task Monitored_Data_Reg_Bridge ();
> 		begin
> 			for(i=0; i<(`num_neurons+`num_neurons*`len_synmap); i=i+1) begin
> 				RegAddresses_MonData[i] = (i+1) << 12;
> 			end
> 			ReadRegisterSet_MonData_User;
> 			$display("Read from Monitored data register array: ");
> 			$display("--------------------------------------------------");
> 		end
> 	endtask


> task ReadRegisterSet_MonData_User ();
> 	integer i;
> begin
> 	@(posedge hi_clk) hi_cmd[2:0] = `DRegisters;
> 	@(posedge hi_clk) hi_cmd[2:0] = `DReadRegisterSet;
> 	@(posedge hi_clk);
> 	hi_drive = 1;
> 	hi_cmd[2:0] = `DNOP;
> 	@(posedge hi_clk); hi_dataout = Size_RegMonData;
> 	for (i=0; i < Size_RegMonData; i=i+1) begin
> 		@(posedge hi_clk) hi_dataout = RegAddresses_MonData[i];
> 		@(posedge hi_clk); hi_drive = 0; 
> 		@(posedge hi_clk);
> 		@(posedge hi_clk) RegInData_MonData[i] = hi_datain;
> 		hi_drive = 1;
> 	end
> 	wait (hi_busy == 0);
> end
> endtask

From the User Manual, I understand that the regRead signal can assert continuously over consecutive cycles of okClk.
However, after verifying the waveform in Host Simulation HDL, I noticed that the regRead signal asserts only once every 5 cycles of okClk. (Unfortunately, I can’t upload the images because I’m new user)

Due to this, the data reception rate is lower than expected, and I am looking for a way to configure the design so that the regRead signal asserts continuously over consecutive okClk cycles.


  • Is there a way to ensure that the regRead signal asserts continuously over consecutive okClk cycles by modifying the ReadRegisterSet task or other parts of the design?
  • If there are specific configurations or HDL adjustments required, I would appreciate your guidance.