I am trying to move from XEM3001v2 to XEM7001, but am getting implementation issues in the Opal Kelly interface modules. The OK-related part of the code that is causing problems looks like this:
// Instantiate the okHostInterface and connect endpoints to
// the Opal Kelly Module Interface
okHostInterface okHI ( .hi_in(hi_in),
// Endpoint connections: HI to core and core to FPGA connections
// Wire In: Valid Address Range: 0x00-0x1F
okWireIn ep00(.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireInMsgCtrl), .ep_dataout(msg_ctrl));
okWireIn ep01(.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireInSignal), .ep_dataout(sw_in_signals));
okWireIn ep02(.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireInADC), .ep_dataout(sw_in_adc));
okWireIn ep03(.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireInPDM0), .ep_dataout(sw_in_pdm_0));
okWireIn ep04(.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireInPDM1), .ep_dataout(sw_in_pdm_1));
okWireIn ep05(.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireInPDM2), .ep_dataout(sw_in_pdm_2));
okWireIn ep06(.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireInPDM3), .ep_dataout(sw_in_pdm_3));
// Wire Out: Valid Address Range: 0x20-0x3F
okWireOut ep20 (.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireOutStatus), .ep_datain(msg_stat));
okWireOut ep21 (.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireOutSignal), .ep_datain(sw_out_signals));
okWireOut ep22 (.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_WireOutADC), .ep_datain(sw_out_adc));
// Trigger In: Valid Address Range: 0x40-0x5F
// Trigger Out: Valid Address Range: 0x60-0x7F
// Pipe In: Valid Address Range: 0x80-0x9F
okPipeIn ep80 (.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_PipeInScan), .ep_write(pipeI_write), .ep_dataout(pipeI_data));
// Pipe Out: Valid Address Range: 0xA0-0xBF
okPipeOut epA0 (.ok1(ok1), .ok2(ok2), .ep_addr(Addr_PipeOutScan),.ep_read(pipeO_read), .ep_datain(pipeO_data));
The first issue I found is that “name port connection ok2 doesn’t exist” on the okWireIn module, so I deleted those port connections. Now I am getting through synthesis and bump into the following error during implementation:
[DRC MDRV-1] Multiple Driver Nets: Net ep80/ has multiple drivers: ep80/GND/G, ep20/ok2[9]_INST_0/O, ep21/ok2[10]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[8]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[7]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[6]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[5]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[4]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[3]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[2]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[1]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[15]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[14]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[13]_INST_0/O, ep20/ok2[12]_INST_0/O… and (the first 15 of 65 listed).
I notice that “okWireOr” is not used anywhere, so I suspect this is related to the problem. What do I need to change? I am looking at the FrontPanel HDL documentation, but it is not specific enough to address this issue.