Frontpanel is showing not enabled and not working for XEM7305 device for the sample file "first.bit"

Hello everyone.

I am actually facing an issue with the frontpanel loading and displaying the things with the first sample provided in the sample bitfiles. I am able to see my device, its ID, serial number in the frontpanel , successfully I am able to configure the device through sample bit file “first.bit”, load the "first.xfp " file but I am not able to see that front panel is enabled , the " Host Interface connection active " symbol is shown as cut wire and the LED’s are also not changing state after clicking on the toggle buttons. Also sum output is not getting shown.

My main goal is to build a C++ application through the API for controlling my device but there also I am facing the same issue after identifying and configuring the device successfully, I am seeing "isTheFrontPanelEnabled() "to be false when I tried to load and configure bitfile created from given samples following the same constraint files and loading through C++ application for testing . My front panel version is 5.2.6 and firmware version is 1.31. OS is windows 10 - 64 bit(x64). Device is XEM7305 with USB 3.0 configuration. I couldn’t figure out what the problem is as I am new to working with this board . I request to please provide me some solutions to this problem as soon as possible as I am stuck with my project

Thank you