Device is detected in FrontPanel application but not by compiling own code

I’m running an XEM3001 board. It appears fine in the FrontPanel application (both v4.0.4 and v.3.1.5). But when I write my own code in Visual Studio 2008 and compile it against either of the two libraries, GetDeviceCount() returns 0 and OpenBySerial() fails.

Here’s the code

#include "okFrontPanelDLL.h"

#define CONFIG_FILE "ok.bit"

okCFrontPanel* initializeFPGA();

// ----------------------------------------------
//  main
// ----------------------------------------------
int main (void)
  okCFrontPanel *xem;

  xem = initializeFPGA();
  if (NULL == xem)
    printf("FPGA could not be initialized.\n");
    return -1;

  return 0;

// ----------------------------------------------
//  initializeFPGA
//  Taken from the Front Panel destester sample
// ----------------------------------------------
okCFrontPanel* initializeFPGA()
  okCFrontPanel *dev;

  // Open the first XEM - try all board types.
  dev = new okCFrontPanel;
  int num = dev->GetDeviceCount();
  printf("Number of devices connected: %d\n", num);

  if (okCFrontPanel::NoError != dev->OpenBySerial()) 
    delete dev;
    printf("Device could not be opened.  Is one connected?\n");
  printf("Found a device: %s\n", dev->GetBoardModelString(dev->GetBoardModel()).c_str());


  // Get some general information about the XEM.
  std::string str;
  printf("Device firmware version: %d.%d\n", dev->GetDeviceMajorVersion(), dev->GetDeviceMinorVersion());
  str = dev->GetSerialNumber();
  printf("Device serial number: %s\n", str.c_str());
  str = dev->GetDeviceID();
  printf("Device device ID: %s\n", str.c_str());

  // Download the configuration file.
  if (okCFrontPanel::NoError != dev->ConfigureFPGA(CONFIG_FILE)) 
    printf("FPGA configuration failed.\n");
    delete dev;

  // Check for FrontPanel support in the FPGA configuration.
  if (dev->IsFrontPanelEnabled())
    printf("FrontPanel support is enabled.\n");
    printf("FrontPanel support is not enabled.\n");


and here’s the output

Number of devices connected: 0
Device could not be opened.  Is one connected?
FPGA could not be initialized.