Compiling FrontPanel under Borland Builder

Hi Jake!

I tried to compile some projects that worked perfectly on MS Visual C++ on Borland C++ Bulder 7.0. For a start I tried with .lib, but always when I attached lib to project error encounterred: Linker error: ‘OKFRONTPANEL.LIB’ contains invalid OMF record, type 0x21 (possibly COFF). It happened the same with VCC lib. I also tried with .dll and it worked just fine until I tried to use TriggerOut - no triggers worked.

Has anyone else tried API with Borland CB?

Any help would do.


Hi Guru-

The lib is compiled for MS Visual Studio .NET and due to binary incompatibilities, only works on that compiler. The DLL is going to be your only option for Borland.

Now, I’m not sure why you’re having troubles with TriggerOut. Are you calling “UpdateTriggerOuts()” ?


Hi Jake!

Important detail: I am using XEM3001v1 with firmware V1.4.
I put the UpdateTriggerOuts(xem) in front of IsTriggered(xem,0x60,0xFF) and I get no response.
ReadFromPipeOut(xem,0xA0,buflen,buf) also does not work, or I receive just zeroes. What does that function returns anyway?
Tomorow I will look the signals on oscilloscope, maybe I will find out something.




Have you tried the CxxDLL version of the DES tutorial application? It uses both ReadFromPipeOut and TriggerOuts.


Hi Jake!

Solved the problem! It was my mistake, beacause I did not wait for trigger long enough. DLL works with Borland Builder :slight_smile:

Thanks for your patience,


No problem – I’m glad you found the error!
