I did what you said and looked at the DES sample to see how they are connecting the PipeIn and PipeOut modules. I also double checked my endpoints but I don’t see the issue.
When I run a behavioral simulation in Vivado I don’t see any change in my rd_en_connect
wire which is connected to ep_read
from the PipeOut module. This means that ep_read
is never going high and signaling to the FIFO to read out the stored counter values.
Here is my complete code. The Pulse_counter module is using a counter to measure the width of an incoming pulse in_1
. This is accomplished by counting how many clock cycles the signal is high and then multiplying by the period. The pulse measurement is stored in register count_out
, written into the FIFO and then (ideally) read from the FIFO and stored in a file on my PC.
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Pulse_counter(
input in_1 , // Input signal
input clk, // Internal clock signal on FPGA (200MHz)
input wire [4:0] okUH, // Input from Opal Kelly USB controller (from PC)
output wire [2:0] okHU, // Outputs to Opal Kelly USB Controller (to PC)
inout wire [31:0] okUHU, // Bidirectionals to USB Controller
inout wire okAA
wire okClk; // Clock used by Opal Kelly USB controller
wire [112:0] okHE; // Opal Kelly module address and control bus
wire [64:0] okEH; // Outputs from the various OK modules back to the okHost core
reg [15:0] counter;
reg [15:0] count_out; // Output of the counter, after multiplied by the period
wire rd_en_connect;
reg wr_en;
wire empty;
wire full;
wire [15:0] dout;
wire reset; // Counter reset signal
reg in_1_del;
wire in_1_ne = !in_1 & in_1_del; // Negative edge of in_1 used to trigger the FIFO's write enable
initial counter = 16'b0;
initial wr_en = 1'b0;
fifo_generator_0 myfifo (
.wr_clk(clk), // Input clock signal used in the HDL code (200MHz)
.rd_clk(okClk), // Internal USB clock signal used for read clock (100MHz)
.din(count_out), // Output of the counter connecting to the input of the FIFO
.wr_en(wr_en), // Internally generated write enable signal
.dout(dout), // FIFO output connecting to the input of okPipeOut
okHost okHI(
okTriggerIn rtrig(
.ep_trigger(reset) // Connects to the reset in my counter
okPipeOut pipea0(
.ep_read(rd_en_connect), //Wire that connects the output read signal from okPipeOut to the rd_en on the FIFO
.ep_datain(dout) //FIFO output signal dout
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset || counter==16'hFFFF) begin
counter <= 16'b0 ; // If reset is high reset the counter to 0
else if (in_1) begin
counter <= counter + 1; // As long as input is high keep counting
else if (in_1 == 16'b0) begin
if (counter !== 16'b0) begin
count_out <= 5*counter;
counter <= 16'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
in_1_del <= 1'b0;
end else begin
in_1_del <= in_1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset || full) begin
wr_en <= 1'b0;
end else begin
wr_en <= in_1_ne;
Here is my simulation result where you can see that rd_en_connect
(orange) is not toggling so my FIFO data is not being read.