64-bit Fedora Python API on Ubuntu


I just switched to 64-bit ubuntu from 32-bit. I used the Fedora Python API files with no problem in 32-bit. I don’t have the same luck with 64-bit Ubuntu.

My problem is that I can ‘import ok’ in the python interpreter but I get a device count of 0 when an XEM3001 is connected. lsusb shows the device address for the FPGA board.

Any body have any thoughts or advice on this matter? I was wondering if this was a 64-bit issue or not.

Thanks in advance.

Does it work in C/C++? Are permissions available for the device?

Thanks for the prompt response. I haven’t tried C++ but I do believe it’s a permissions issue. It reads the appropriate count if I ‘sudo python’.

Then you likely need to setup udev as suggested in the README.txt file. This will automatically grant access to the device when the device is plugged in.